
Ecumenical Week of Prayer

Every year, between Ascension Day and Pentecost, Christians from all over the world come together in prayer, hoping for greater unity among us all. This year, the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity runs from the 18th to the 25th of January, with the theme: “Do you believe this?” (Jn 11:26).

What makes this year extra special is that the Week of Prayer overlaps with the Jubilee of Hope and the Holy Year. As part of the celebrations, we’re joining our Christian brothers and sisters for a Diocesan Ecumenical Service on

Friday, 24th January 2025, at 6:30 p.m. at the Archpriest’s Church in Siġġiewi.

There’s a lovely reason this parish was chosen. This year marks the 1700th anniversary of the Council of Nicaea (325), and tradition tells us that the ecumenical saint, St Nicholas of Myra, was part of that very council.

If you’d like to take part in this week of prayer, you can use the booklets below. There’s a Maltese version created by the Maltese Diocesan Ecumenical Council, or you can check out the international English version, put together by the Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity and the World Council of Churches’ Commission on Faith and Order.

Katekeżi bi preparazzjoni għall-Ġublew – Pellegrini ta’ Tama

Zghazagh ta Tama, seminars. Katekezi bi thejjija ghal Gublew

Il-Ġublew beda, u l-bibien infetħu!

Iżda faċilment tgħaddi din is-sena u ma nsibux ftit ħin u nirefflettu fuq din il-ġrajja li sseħħ kull 25 sena.  Il-Ġublew huwa opportunità, għalik u għalija li nesperjenzaw l-imħabba u l-ħniena infita ta’ Alla.

Il-Ġublew – Pelligrini ta’ Tama, mhix biss esperjenza għal min jista’ jattendi xi avveniment f’Ruma, imma hija esperjenza li hija miftuħa għal kullħad, inkluż għalik.

Flimkien nixtiequ ngħixu vjaġġ żgħir sabiex dan il-Ġublew ngħarfu x’jista’ jfisser għalina. B’żewġ katekeżijiet u rtir ta’ nofs ta’ nhar, ser nesploraw kif dan il-Ġublew, jista’ jfisser Tama, imħabba u ħniena għalik ukoll, u kif Alla jixtieqek li twassal din it-tama li inti irċevejt lil oħrajn.

It-Tama Tagħna

l-Ġimgħa 24 ta’ Jannar | 7PM | Knisja tal-Ibraġ

Fr Jean-Claude Schembri

Hemm ħafna affarijiet li jokkupaw ħsibijietna, spiss ninħlew newdnu, u ninkwetaw dwar sitwazzjonijiet li ngħixu. Iżda fil-fond tal-qalb tagħna nafu li teżisti t-tama. Flimkien, waqt din il-katekeżi ser nesploraw, mhux x’inhi it-tama, imma min hu!

Aħna Pellegrini

l-Ġimgħa 28 ta’ Frar


Knisja ta’ Santa Barbara Kappuċċini, Kalkara

Lejn il-Ġublew

Is-Sibt 5 t’April


Is-Seminarju, ir-Rabat

Welcome to the official Pilgrims of Hope Adolescent & Youth page.  

Next year, young people from all over the world will gather in Rome to celebrate a special occasion filled with faith, unity, and hope, the Jubilee – Pilgrims of Hope. This is a great opportunity to experience the vibrant diverse life of the Catholic Church, meet fellow pilgrims, and embark on a journey of spiritual renewal.


The Dicastery for Evangelisation, the organisers for the Jubilee in Rome next year are offering a number of packages which will cater for all your diverse needs.


The Jubilee of Adolescents will be held between the 25th – 27th of April 2025 in Rome. Rome will be welcoming adolescents aged between 12 to 17.

The Jubilee of Young People will be held 28th July – 3rd August 2025 in Rome. Young people between the ages of 18 and 35 are being invited to Rome.


We invite you to be a part of these joyous celebrations together with other Maltese pilgrims.


As young believers, the Jubilee is your chance to explore your faith and make lifelong memories with your friends, classmates and family. Throughout the experience you will have the opportunity to discover your faith, receive the sacrament of reconciliation, walk through one of the Holy doors, and other events such as concerts and gatherings in Rome.

There are a number of packages being offered for this weekend, with different options available.


Package A

from dinner on April 25 to lunch on April 27


  • Lodging at parishes or gyms and breakfast at the facility
  • 4 meal tickets worth €10 each
  • 72h ticket for city transportation (Metro and city buses)
  • Insurance
  • Pilgrim Kit (bag, safari hat, 2 t-shirts, recycled plastic bottle, rosary-bracelet, bandana)


Package B
from dinner on April 25 to lunch on April 27


  • 4 meal tickets worth 10 € each
  • 72h Ticket for city transportation (Metro and city bus)
  • Insurance
  • Pilgrim Kit (bag, safari hat, 2 t-shirts, recycled-plastic bottle, rosary-bracelet, bandana)


Package C

from the evening of April 25 to the morning of April 27


  • Lodging at parishes or gyms and breakfast at the facility
  • 72h Ticket for city transportation (Metro and city bus)
  • Insurance
  • Pilgrim Kit (bag, safari hat, 2 t-shirts, recycled plastic bottle, rosary-bracelet, bandana)


Package D

from the evening of April 25 to the morning of April 27


  • 72h Ticket for city transportation (Metro and city bus)
  • Insurance
  • Pilgrim Kit (bag, safari hat, 2 t-shirts, recycled plastic bottle, rosary-bracelet, bandana)


Package E

from the evening of April 25 to the morning of April 27


  • Insurance
  • Pilgrim Kit (bag, safari hat, 2 t-shirts, recycled plastic bottle, rosary-bracelet, bandana)


Before booking we invite you to consider the following:
  1. There will be no flights organized by Malta Catholic Youth Network for this event. Therefore, you will need to purchase your own flights for your groups.
  2. Transport tickets in the packaged do not apply for airport transfers.
  3. Minors and accompanying adults. Please remember that the Archdiocese of Malta, cannot be held responsible for any minors being taken to Rome. We are only facilitating the ticket purchases. Please be sure to collect the necessary consent forms, and make sure to have enough accompanying adults per minors. We strongly advise you to speak to the Safeguarding Commission to assess any concerns you may have prior to traveling. You can download the official parental consent form from the Vatican; however, we do encourage you to create your own, just in case you should wish to add any other consents.
  4. Lodging mentioned in the packages is listed as parishes and gyms. This would mean that the teenagers and leaders will probably have to sleep on floors, therefore you would need to bring up your own sleeping bag and mats. Since you are responsible for your young people, please make sure that your minors are well protected and that your safeguarding protocols are adhered to.  We also do not have any say on where your lodging will be, it could be close to the centre or on the outside of the city centre. You may also opt to find your own accommodation, if you intend to do so, we encourage you to look into this as soon as possible as prices are already going up.
  5.  We do not know what the ‘10-euro food ticket’ mean. This will be communicated to us at a later stage. However, from past experiences it most probably is pre-prepared food packs form various distributors. However, do consider seeing whether you may need additional food throughout the day, and especially if you would need to cater for any intolerances. Based on past experiences, the places who used to provide food for people with intolerances end up being further away from the areas you may be staying at.  Consider this factor when preparing your final costings.
The official deadline for registration  of Maltese pilgrims to the Jubilee of Adolescents is
15th of January 2025.


If you’re looking for an opportunity to reconnect with your faith, meet other young Catholics, and immerse yourself in a dynamic, fun, spiritual atmosphere, then we invite you to join the Jubilee of Young people, part of the Jubilee, Pilgrims of Hope celebrations in Rome.

This is more than a holiday with your friends—it’s a chance to grow, reflect, and be inspired to carry the message of the Gospel courageously. Throughout the experience you will have the opportunity to discover your faith, receive the sacrament of reconciliation, walk through one or more of the Holy doors, and other events such as concerts and gatherings, and the chance to see Pope Francis as the Jubilee Vigil in Tor Vergata.

Check out our range of packages below and find the one that suits your journey!

Package A1

from dinner on July 28 to lunch on August 3


  • Lodging at parishes or gyms and breakfast at the facility
  • 10 meal tickets worth €10 each
  • Box-lunch: dinner August 2, breakfast and lunch August 3
  • Weekly ticket for city transportation (Metro and city buses)
  • Insurance
  • Pilgrim Kit (bag, safari hat, 2 t-shirts, recycled plastic bottle, rosary-bracelet, bandana)


Package A1+27

from dinner on July 27 to lunch on August 3


  • Lodging at parishes or gyms and breakfast at the facility
  • 10 meal tickets worth €10 each
  • Box-lunch: dinner August 2, breakfast and lunch August 3
  • Weekly ticket for city transportation (Metro and city buses)
  • Insurance
  • Pilgrim Kit (bag, safari hat, 2 t-shirts, recycled plastic bottle, rosary-bracelet, bandana)


  • Two meal tickets worth €10 each
  • One night and one breakfast in lodging


Package A1+4

from dinner on July 28 to lunch on August 4


  • Lodging at parishes or gyms and breakfast at the facility
  • 10 meal tickets worth €10 each
  • Box-lunch: dinner August 2, breakfast and lunch August 3
  • Weekly ticket for city transportation (Metro and city buses)
  • Insurance
  • Pilgrim Kit (bag, safari hat, 2 t-shirts, recycled plastic bottle, rosary-bracelet, bandana)


  • Two meal tickets worth €10 each
  • One night and one breakfast in lodging


Package A2

from dinner on July 28 to lunch on August 3


  • 10 meal tickets worth €10 each
  • Box-lunch: dinner August 2, breakfast and lunch August 3
  • Weekly ticket for city transportation (Metro and city buses)
  • Insurance
  • Pilgrim Kit (bag, safari hat, 2 t-shirts, recycled plastic bottle, rosary-bracelet, bandana)


Package A3

from dinner on July 28 to lunch on August 3


  • Lodging at parishes or gyms and breakfast at the facility
  • Box-lunch: dinner August 2, breakfast and lunch August 3
  • Weekly ticket for city transportation (Metro and city buses)
  • Insurance
  • Pilgrim Kit (bag, safari hat, 2 t-shirts, recycled plastic bottle, rosary-bracelet, bandana)


Package A4

from dinner on July 28 to lunch on August 3


  • Box-lunch: dinner August 2, breakfast and lunch August 3
  • Weekly ticket for city transportation (Metro and city buses)
  • Insurance
  • Pilgrim Kit (bag, safari hat, 2 t-shirts, recycled plastic bottle, rosary-bracelet, bandana)


Package B

from dinner on August 1 to lunch on August 3


  • One night’s lodging at parishes or gyms and breakfast
  • 2 meal tickets worth €10 each
  • Box-lunch: dinner August 2, breakfast and lunch August 3
  • 72h ticket for city transportation (Metro and city buses)
  • Insurance
  • Pilgrim Kit (bag, safari hat, 2 t-shirts, recycled plastic bottle, rosary-bracelet, bandana)


Package B+4

Valid from the dinner on August 1 to lunch on August 4


  • One night’s lodging at parishes or gyms and breakfast
  • 2 meal tickets worth €10 each
  • Box-lunch: dinner August 2, breakfast and lunch August 3
  • 72h ticket for city transportation (Metro and city buses)
  • Insurance
  • Pilgrim Kit (bag, safari hat, 2 t-shirts, recycled plastic bottle, rosary-bracelet, bandana)


  • One night’s lodging at parishes or gyms and breakfast
  • Two meal tickets worth €10 each


Package C

Vigil and Mass


  • Box-lunch: dinner August 2, breakfast and lunch August 3
  • Insurance
  • Pilgrim Kit (bag, safari hat, 2 t-shirts, recycled plastic bottle, rosary-bracelet, bandana)


Before booking we invite you to consider the following:
  1. There are several flights organized by the Malta Catholic Youth Network for this event. From time to time, we will try to offer new flights however you are free to purchase your own flights for your groups. The prices above do not include the flights. If you need help purchasing flights, please contact us immediately.
  2. Transport tickets in the packages do not apply for airport transfers.
  3. Minors and accompanying adults. Please remember that the Archdiocese of Malta, cannot be held responsible for any minors being taken to Rome. We are only facilitating the ticket purchases. Please be sure to collect the necessary consent forms, and make sure to have enough accompanying adults per minors. We strongly advise you to speak to the Safeguarding Commission to assess any concerns you may have prior to traveling. You can download the official Jubilee parental consent form; however, we do encourage you to create your own, just in case you should wish to add any other consents.
  4. Lodging mentioned in the packages is listed as parishes and gyms. This would mean that the teenagers and leaders will probably have to sleep on floors, therefore you would need to bring up your own sleeping bag and mats. Since you are responsible for your young people, please make sure that your minors are well protected and that your safeguarding protocols are adhered to.  We also do not have any say on where your lodging will be, it could be close to the centre or on the outside of the city centre. You may also opt to find your own accommodation, if you intend to do so, we encourage you to look into this as soon as possible as prices are already going up.
  5.  We do not know what the ‘10-euro food ticket’ mean. This will be communicated to us at a later stage. However, from past experiences it most probably is pre-prepared food packs from various distributors. However, do consider seeing whether you may need additional food throughout the day, and especially if you would need to cater for any intolerances. Based on past experiences, the places who used to provide food for people with intolerances end up being further away from the areas you may be staying at.  Consider this factor when preparing your final costings.
The official deadline for registration of Maltese pilgrims to the Jubilee of Young is
1st of March 2025.