Plexus is now well-known as the annual conference for all individuals and groups involved in youth ministry, in which we attempt discussing mutual experiences and current themes whilst being refreshed by the relentless spring of the Gospel.
We look forward to hosting and meeting you all in person once again on Saturday, 29th of October at the Salini Resort, St Paul’s Bay.

Session 1: “Love your neighbour as yourself“
Loving others requires us to first love ourselves. This session will look at practical ways through which we can take care of ourselves physically, emotionally and spiritually in order to be in a better position to serve wholeheartedly.
This session will be led by Stelmart and Annabelle Khalil, sisters and creators of @marta.u.maria, an online platform sharing a Christian approach to body, mind and spirit. Stelmart is a physchotherapist by profession and Annabelle, studied spiritual companionship.
Session 2: “By this everyone will know that you are mine…”
Following the invitation to better equip ourselves prior reaching out to others, we will then focus on how to be effective witnesses of Christ. How can we all be relevant, “salt and light of the Earth” to those whom we serve at this day and age?
This session will be led by Sr Maria Angeles Diaz.
Session 3: ANEW
This would then lead us to a collective dreaming session in which we will exchange ideas and experiences intended to encourage one another go out of our comfort zones and reach out to others in a tangible manner.
This session will be led by Fr Jethro Bajada (OFM Cap.) and Benjamin Flores Martin (Archbishop’s Delegate for Youth).

What’s it going to be like?
Most importantly, we want to have a space to come together in person after such a long time, to be together and to pray together.
We want to offer leaders the time to reflect on their experience of service and the space to share their experiences and listen to the stories of other youth leaders.
This year, Plexus will be happening over one day and it will consist of moments for sharing and discussions, short insights, testimonies and prayer.
In view of this, following the keynote sessions, plenty of time is going to be allocated for small group discussion and moments for personal reflection, aspiring that Plexus22 will be the breather we all need at present.
What is togetherness without food? We will be having lunch (and of course, coffee) together through which we will enjoy some time of fellowship. We will then end our day with a Eucharistic celebration, from which we acknowledge our ultimate nourishment, source of service and love.