Ripple – Plug & Play

MCYN & KDŻG have collaborated again to bring you Ripple – Plug & Play.

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Ripple – Plug & Play is the third series of Ripple webinars. This series is a two-part web course that will be looking more closely at the realities of youth today. The first webinar will be focusing on the way young people connect while the second session will be looking into the gaming culture. These webinars have been designed to further equip youth leaders and animators for their ministry with young people. 

These webinars will be happening on 2 consecutive Wednesdays and will be broken down as follows:

    • Session 1: Making Connections
      Wednesday 28th
      During this session, Dr Marlene Cauchi will be speaking about young people’s attachment needs, as well as the challenge of connection. The session will also tackle the role of the youth leader, as well as how connecting with young people is in itself resourceful.

      • Speaker
        Dr Marlene Cauchi
    • Session 2: Game On
      Wednesday 5th
      The second session aims at taking an in-depth look into the gaming culture. Fr Reuben Gauci & Fr Matthew Pulis will be doing this by exploring how different elements of gaming are part and parcel of a young person’s life. This webinar will also be looking into how to accompany young people in this culture.

      • Speakers
        Fr Reuben Gauci & Fr Matthew Pulis


The webinars will be starting at 7:30 pm and ending at 9:00 pm.
Each webinar will consist of a talk and a question/discussion slot.

Why ripple?
In throwing a stone into the water, it is not only the stone that is moved. These webinars were created to further equip youth leaders, so that what they know and what they learn is also passed on to the young people they work with.

Who is it for?
These webinars are intended for youth leaders, animators and anyone involved in youth ministry. Although these webinars are intended for youth group leaders, they are open to whoever is interested in attending.

Where is it happening?
Each of these webinars will be held online on a group ZOOM call.
Attendance to these webinars is free of charge, however, registration is required.

Please note that all of the webinars will be given in Maltese.