MCYN & KDŻG have collaborated again to bring you Ripple – Questioning Suffering.

Why ripple?
In throwing a stone into the water, it is not only the stone that is moved. These webinars were created to further equip youth leaders, so that what they know and what they learn is also passed on to the young people they work with.

Who is it for?
These webinars are intended for youth leaders, animators and anyone involved in youth ministry. Although these webinars are intended for youth group leaders, they are open to whoever is interested in attending.

What is it?
Ripple – Questioning Suffering is the fourth series of Ripple webinars. This series is a two-part web course that will be looking at suffering and the human person, from the perspective of our Catholic faith. These webinars have been designed to further equip youth leaders and animators for their ministry with young people.

These webinars will be happening on 2 consecutive Mondays and will be broken down as follows:
Session 1: Man & Suffering in Scripture
Monday 18th October
The first webinar will focus on the theme of suffering in the Old & New Testament. We’ll also be taking a particular look at Christ’s teaching and what it means to live it out. We’ve often heard the quote “take up your cross and follow me” (Mt 16:24), but what did Jesus intend by those words?
- Speaker: Dr Joseph Ciappara
Session 2: Present-day Suffering
Monday 25th October
The second webinar will be taking a particular look at present-day suffering, especially the challenges young people meet today. Apart from looking at the causes and effects of such suffering, we will also be questioning where God is in these trials, and how youth leaders can respond to the suffering of those they accompany.
- Speaker: Fr Fabio Attard SDB
The webinars will be starting at 7:30 pm and ending at 9:00 pm.
Each webinar will consist of a talk and a question/discussion slot.
Where is it happening?
All webinars will be held online on a group ZOOM call. Attendance at these webinars is free of charge.
Please note that all of the webinars will be given in Maltese.