Did you ever ask a really big question? Did your mind ever wonder after seeing some tiny event in nature? Was your heart ever restless even though you were ok? Did you ever feel that love is infinite? If these are true, then maybe Universe of Faith is for you. Think of yourself as part of this vast universe. You do feel very very small when you do this!
Then, think again, you can ask questions about the whole universe: Where does it come from? How come it is so beautiful? How come the laws of nature allow me to understand its workings? Maybe you can even come to see that the ‘universe’ points ‘outside’ itself! That’s what the very word means: ‘towards One’.

You can think of the entire universe as a vast, beautiful Cathedral that soars above you and encircles you. Despite its vastness, you somehow feel safe… you do not feel alone. Looking at it and sensing it leads you to look both upwards till you are somehow beyond it, and inwards till you are in the depths of yourself. It is then that you could realise that you are in the presence of the mystery who is the source of all; the mystery who speaks and whose words are the very universe; the mystery who takes delight and whose pleasure is the beauty around you; the mystery who loves and whose love is both within you and around you.
If you have such a living sense of wonder; if you are not too afraid of a long but beautiful journey; if you do not mind feeling completely loved; if you want some companionship on the way … the Universe of Faith is for you. It is for you even if you consider yourself as a believer but not as belonging to the Church; even if you see yourself as somehow ‘Christian’ but do not see yourself as quite believing what the Church believes.

In this site, we see ourselves as fellow travellers who strive to share simply yet profoundly what we have discovered with all those seeking inspiration as they seek to enter their inner life; as they seek to reach out to others. We try to make more tangible the idea of finding God in all people, all things, and all events. We want to be present to one another on this journey of life that involves us all. We firmly believe that no one is really alone!
On this quest, we never want to stop searching because we know that God is so grand, so beautiful. So we are very much aware that we are never ‘there’! We know that God speaks through light and darkness, through pleasure and pain, through health and sickness. We are also very aware that we do not know God or love God enough. We are on the way. We know our fragility; we know our moods, our conflicts. We do pray that even if only once in our lives we may love God completely. And we believe that God really wants to reach out to us and labours at this continuously in our lives.

Universe of Faith is the work of people of all ages: both those who are in peaceful possession of faith and those who have left the faith or the Church. The content of this website is faithful to the Catholic faith with space for journeying, questioning, doubting, and searching. We are continuously looking for personal stories, reflections from life on Bible verses, art work, videos and more. We are interested in what’s original, new, meaningful, timely, speaks faith. If you wish to send us an item or give feedback, you are most welcome. And please do get in touch with us even if you think that you’re too young or that the story is too simple or what you say is too ordinary. We rejoice to see God in action. And we believe that God is present and acts and loves everywhere … whether we know it or not! We’ll be glad if you get in touch with us.
If you wish to contact the author of a particular writing/picture feel free to contact us on [email protected]. We are people on the move, journeying in our relationships, in our aloneness, in our communities, exploring and investing in the life-giving encounter with God who speaks personally and intimately. We want to share this with others and listen to others.
Unless noted otherwise, the material of the website is copyright free. Material uploaded is re-usable.
Universe of Faith is an initiative of the Pastoral Formation Institute, Malta.