
Plexus 24 – Hear Hear

Plexus is an annual conference organised by the Malta Catholic Youth Network, specifically designed for individuals engaged in youth and adolescent Catholic groups on our island.

Our goal at Plexus is to foster an environment where youth leaders can be empowered and enriched. We aim to provide a space for individuals, parishes and organisations to come together and share their experiences—celebrating the joyful moments and acknowledging the challenges. It’s a time to pause, reflect, and renew.

Central to Plexus is the opportunity to pray together: for each other, for the youth, and for the Church. This year’s theme, ‘Hear Hear,’ is a call to attune our ears to God and to the young people we are called to serve and accompany.

This year’s conference will take place on the 5th of October at Trident Park, where participants will also enjoy a shared lunch and coffee breaks.

The program includes four reflections, complemented by spiritual conversations in small groups. These sessions will encourage active participation, helping everyone to embrace the virtue of Hope as the Catholic Church soon embarks on the Jubilee of Hope.

HopeGen Launch

Are you between 18 and 30 years of age❓
Want to understand more what we’re about❓
Want to meet the other participants of HopeGen❓

Join us at our Launch Event…Details 👇

✏️ Register Here:
🗓️ Date: 15th February 2024
🕠Time: 18:30
📍Location: Oratory of the Immaculate Conception, Valletta 

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It-10K huwa kors fuq l-10 Kmandamenti imma mhux ħa noqogħdu naħlulek il-ħin ngħidulek ma toqtolx, ma tisraqx u ma tidgħix.
Dawn huma l-10 Kmandamenti kif qatt ma smajthom qabel!
F’din il-mixja, l-10 kelmiet li Alla ta lill-poplu Lhudi jsiru s-sigriet biex il-bniedem modern jagħmel suċċess fil-ħajja u jkun ferħan.

Dal-kors inħoloq l-Italja u nfirex f’aktar minn 15-il pajjiż. Beda f’Għawdex fl-2019 u se jibda Malta minn dis-sena għaż-żgħażagħ bejn it-18 u l-35 sena.
Vera nsejħulu kors, imma m’hemmx ħlas, assignments jew eżamijiet. Sempliċiment tiġi u tisma’ t-taħdidiet. U jekk tixba’ tista’ ma tiġix aktar u ħadd ma jgħidlek xejn. Fil-fatt ħafna jiġu u jitilqu għax il-kors ma jgħoddx għal kulħadd. Oħrajn imissilhom qalbhom, jifqagħlhom moħħhom u jbiddlilhom ħajjithom.

Jekk trid tibdieh u tara kif tmur, kemm timla d-dettalji t’hawn minħabba loġistika.
U bilħaq, parking mhux problema.