
Via Crucis għall-Adolexxenti

Daħal fiż-Żarbun Tagħna u Aħna f’Tiegħu
Imħejjija flimkien mal-Grupp Juventutem Christi, Paola


“Meta kien jgħix fuq din l-art, Kristu offra talb u suppliki b’leħen għoli u bid-dmugħ lil dak li seta’ jsalvah mill-mewt. U kien mismugħ minħabba fil-qima tiegħu lejn Alla” (Lhud 5, 7). F’dan il-vers, l-awtur tal-Ittra lil-Lhud jippreżentalna lil Ġesù hekk kif sab ruħu fuq in-naħa tagħna tal-abbiss li nfetaħ bejna u bejn Alla minħabba fid-dnub—abbiss hekk kbir li sabiex aħna nerġgħu nitħabbu mill-ġdid miegħu, kellu jkun hu li jaqsam għan-naħa tagħna billi, bħala Alla, jieħu fuqu l-kundizzjoni tagħna l-bnedmin. U għalhekk narawh jitlob u jibki u jitħabat mar-rieda ta’ Alla u jħaddanha b’ubbidjenza proprju minn fuq in-naħa tagħna, fil-kundizzjoni tiegħu ta’ bniedem li, għalkemm ma għamel l-ebda dnub personali, tgħabba bid-dnubiet tagħna lkoll.


Nistgħu ngħidu li, meta sar bniedem, Alla daħal fiż-żarbun tagħna; esperjenza personalment xi tfisser tkun bniedem—xi tfisser tkun adolexxent, żagħżugħ, sa ma laħaq il-maturità umana tiegħu. Aħna u nikkontemplaw dawn il-waqfiet fit-triq tas-salib, filwaqt li naraw kif Ġesù daħal fiż-żarbun tagħna, aħna wkoll ser nidħlu fiż-żarbun tiegħu, nifhmu x’ħass u x’fissret il-passjoni għalih, biex hekk nagħrfu l-imħabba kbira li biha ħabbna.

Rev. Gilbert Scicluna

It-Triq tas-Salib

Maħsuba biex tkun ta’ gwida għall-pellegrini fil-Jum Dinji taż-Żgħażagħ tal-2023, biss tista’ tiġi wkoll tintuża fiż-żmien tar-Randan.


Hemm diversi modi t’espressjoni tul il-vjaġġ tas-salib. Dan il-ktejjeb hu sempliċiment gwida għalik biex timxi dan il-vjaġġ mhux biss b’mod estern, imma wkoll b’mod interjuri.

Għaldaqstant, l-istedina tagħna hija biex għal kull stazzjon:

  • nisimgħu l-Kelma t’Alla;
  • nirriflettu fuq dawn ir-rakkonti li ġraw verament;
  • nagħrfu li ħafna minn ħutna għadhom iġarrbu ħafna tbatija innoċentament;
  • nagħrfu li aħna parti integri minn dan il-vjaġġ ta’ Ġesù;
  • nitolbu lil Marija takkumpanjana.


WYD’23 Resources

World Youth Day is finally here!

Here are some resources which you may find useful during the pilgrimage.

One Church, One Journey – For Youth Ministry

In June 2020, the Archdiocese of Malta launched the process of ecclesial renewal One Church, One Journey. This process invites the Church in Malta to a journey taking place between 2020 and 2024.

MCYN has created an abridged version of One Church, One Journey. This version was written with the intention of making the original text shorter, simpler and easier to reflect upon. We’ve made it with hope that it will inspire reflection and, ultimately, drive action.

We pray that this process truly opens us to the will of God and the conversion of heart required to be true witnesses of Christ.

Christus Vivit – Pope Francis’ post-synodal apostolic exhortation to the Young People

“Christ is alive!  He is our hope, and in a wonderful way he brings youth to our world.  The very first words, then, that I would like to say to every young Christian are these: Christ is alive and he wants you to be alive!”

“Christus Vivit” (“Christ Lives”), is the pope’s reflections on the 2018 Synod of Bishops on ‘Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment`, is a combination letter to young people about their place in the church and a plea to older members of the church not to stifle the enthusiasm of the young, but to offer gentle guidance when needed.

Vive Cristo, esperanza nuestra is the opening of the original text in Spanish of the post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation, whose text was subsequently published today, April 2, with the signature of March 25.

It was announced by Director of the Holy See Press Office, Alessandro Gisotti, that the Exhortation named “Christus Vivit,” will be published on April 2, “the memorial of the death of John Paul II.”

The wish, he expressed during a briefing in Loreto, was “to link together the two pontificates, so loved by and close to the younger generations.” Pope John Paul II had been the first Pope to address a letter to young people in 1985 and he was the Pope who began the World Youth Days.

Today, April 2, the Pope’s Apostolic Exhortation was released for the first time.
The full English text of the Exhortation can be read here.

“Disembarkation, finally!”

Joint NGO reaction to the authorisation to disembark 49 rescued migrants.

We welcome Malta’s decision to allow the disembarkation of the 49 migrants rescued by NGO boats, most of whom spent 18 days at sea. Disembarkation will ensure that they are provided with safety, shelter, and care. We also appreciate the solidarity expressed by other Member States and institutions of the European Union, in agreeing to share the responsibility of hosting the rescued migrants. Such sharing of responsibilities is essential if the EU is to deal effectively with forced migration in a manner that is fair and respectful of fundamental human rights. We underline the need to ensure that each and every one of the migrants is granted full access to asylum procedures so they will be able to get the protection that they need. We sincerely hope that this will not happen again, and that respect for life and human dignity will remain at the heart of Malta’s approach towards refugees and migrants. 9 January 2019

This statement is issued by the following organisations:

  1. aditus foundation
  2. African Media Association Malta
  3. agara foundation
  4. Allejanza kontra il-Faqar
  5. Allied Rainbow Communities
  6. Art4Life
  7. Caritas Malta
  8. Catholic Voices
  9. Christian Life Community (CLC) Malta
  10. Creative Arts Therapies Society (CATS)
  11. Dar Merħba Bik
  12. Dar tal-Providenza 1
  13. Department for Inclusion and Access to Learning, University of Malta
  14. Department of Gender Studies, University of Malta
  15. Department of Social Policy and Social Work, University of Malta
  16. Department of Youth and Community Studies, University of Malta
  17. Drachma LGBT
  18. Drachma Parents
  19. Fondazzjoni Ejjew Għandi
  20. Foundation for Shelter and Support of Migrants (FSM)
  21. Integra Foundation
  22. International Association for Refugees
  23. Isles of the Left
  24. Jesuit Refugee Service Malta
  25. Kopin
  26. Kummissjoni Ġustizzja u Paċi
  27. Kunsill Studenti Universitarji
  28. LGBTI+ Gozo
  29. Malta Association for the Counselling Profession
  30. Malta Catholic Youth Network
  31. Malta Chamber of Psychologists
  32. Malta Emigrants’ Commission
  33. Malta LGBTIQ Rights Movement
  34. Maltese Association of Psychiatry
  35. Maltese Association of Social Workers (MASW)
  36. Men Against Violence
  37. Migrants Women’s Association Malta (MWAM)
  38. Moviment Graffiti
  39. National Foster Care Association
  40. OASI Foundation
  41. Office of the Dean of the Faculty of Social Wellbeing, University of Malta
  42. Paulo Freire Institute
  43. Peace and Good Foundation
  44. People for Change Foundation
  45. Platform of Human Rights Organisations in Malta
  46. PRISMS
  47. Richmond Foundation
  48. Salesians of Don Bosco
  49. Segretarjat Assistenza Soċjali tal-Azzjoni Kattolika Malta
  50. Society of Jesus in Malta
  51. Solidarity with Migrants Group
  52. SOS Malta
  53. Spark 15
  54. St Jeanne Antide Foundation
  55. St Vincent de Paule Society
  56. Studenti Ħarsien Soċjali (SHS)
  57. The Critical Institute
  58. Troupe 18:45
  59. University of Malta Chaplaincy
  60. Victim Support Malta
  61. Women’s Rights Foundation
  62. Youth Alive Foundation

People Are More Important – PRESS RELEASE


We are appalled beyond words that, after 18 days of negotiations, 49 men, women and children remain stuck on a boat within sight of the Maltese shore.

In spite of countless calls for solidarity, European Member States have not managed to find a diplomatic solution to the current impasse.

This is nothing short of tragic and shameful.  It can only mean that we have completely lost our humanity – as a people and a union of states that supposedly upholds the values of solidarity, respect for human rights and human dignity.

We acknowledge the complex issues this situation raises, and agree that it is a European challenge requiring a European solution. However, this cannot be an excuse to abdicate our own responsibility, as individuals and as a nation, to save lives at any cost. The duty to save lives is not only a legal but also a moral imperative which can never be subjected to political conditions, such as the availability of concrete offers of relocation or the fear of creating a precedent.

At this point, the question we must answer is simple: what is more important, scoring political points, or saving lives?

For us, the undersigned organisations, there can be only one answer: people are more important.

Today we are here to take a stand for life and dignity. We call on Malta to prioritize life and open its doors today.



Ninsabu ixxukjati u bla kliem li, wara 18 il-ġurnata ta’ negozzjati, 49 raġel, mara u tfal għadhom miżmuma fuq dagħjsa ftit il-bogħod mill-art ta’ Malta.

Minkejja talbiet numerużi favur is-solidarjeta’, il-membri ta’ l-Unjoni Ewropea għadhom ma rnexxilhomx isibu soluzzjoni diplomatika għall-impass preżenti.

Din hi sitwazzjoni traġika u tal-mistħija. Ifisser b’mod ċar li tlifna kompletament l-umanita’ tagħna – bħala poplu u bħala Unjoni ta’ stati li suppost jiddefendu l-valuri tas-solidarjeta’, tar-rispett tad-drittijiet umani u tad-dinjita’ umana.

Nifhmu li din is-sitwazzjoni tqajjem kwistjonijiet kumplessi, and naqblu li hija sfida Ewropea li tirrikjedi soluzzjoni Ewropea. Madankollu, ma nistgħux nużaw dawn l-argumenti bħala skuża biex nabdikaw ir-responsabilta’ tagħna, bħala individwi u bħala nazzjoni, li nsalvaw il-ħajja akkost ta’ kollox. Id-dmir li nsalvaw il-ħajja m’hijiex biss legali imma wkoll dmir morali li qatt ma jista’ jkun sottomess għall-kondizzjonijiet politiċi, bħad-disponibilita ta’ offerti konkreti ta’ rilokazzjoni jew il-biża li jinħoloq preċedent.

F’dan il-punt, il-mistoqsija li rridu nirrispondu hija din: X’inhu l-iktar importanti, li nagħmlu punt politiku jew insalvaw il-ħajja?  

Għalina, l-organizzazzjonijiet firmatarji, hemm biss risposta waħda possibli: in-nies huma iktar importanti.

Illum qegħdin hawn biex nieħdu pożizzjoni favur il-ħajja u d-dinjita’. Nagħmlu appell lil Malta biex nagħtu priorita’ lill-ħajja u niftħu l-bibien tagħna illum.


This statement is being issued by:

  1. aditus foundation
  2. African Media Association Malta
  3. agara foundation
  4. Allejanza kontra il-Faqar
  5. Allied Rainbow Communities
  6. Art4Life
  7. Caritas Malta
  8. Catholic Voices
  9. Christian Life Community (CLC) Malta
  10. Creative Arts Therapies Society (CATS)
  11. Dar Merħba Bik
  12. Dar tal-Providenza 1
  13. Department for Inclusion and Access to Learning, University of Malta
  14. Department of Gender Studies, University of Malta
  15. Department of Social Policy and Social Work, University of Malta
  16. Department of Youth and Community Studies, University of Malta
  17. Drachma LGBT
  18. Drachma Parents
  19. Fondazzjoni Ejjew Għandi
  20. Foundation for Shelter and Support of Migrants (FSM)
  21. Integra Foundation
  22. International Association for Refugees
  23. Isles of the Left
  24. Jesuit Refugee Service Malta
  25. Kopin
  26. Kummissjoni Ġustizzja u Paċi
  27. Kunsill Studenti Universitarji
  28. LGBTI+ Gozo
  29. Malta Association for the Counselling Profession
  30. Malta Catholic Youth Network
  31. Malta Chamber of Psychologists
  32. Malta Emigrants’ Commission
  33. Malta LGBTIQ Rights Movement
  34. Maltese Association of Psychiatry
  35. Maltese Association of Social Workers (MASW)
  36. Men Against Violence
  37. Migrants Women’s Association Malta (MWAM)
  38. Moviment Graffiti
  39. National Foster Care Association
  40. OASI Foundation
  41. Office of the Dean of the Faculty of Social Wellbeing, University of Malta
  42. Paulo Freire Institute
  43. Peace and Good Foundation
  44. People for Change Foundation
  45. Platform of Human Rights Organisations in Malta
  46. PRISMS
  47. Richmond Foundation
  48. Salesians of Don Bosco
  49. Segretarjat Assistenza Soċjali tal-Azzjoni Kattolika Malta
  50. Society of Jesus in Malta
  51. Solidarity with Migrants Group
  52. SOS Malta
  53. Spark 15
  54. St Jeanne Antide Foundation
  55. St Vincent de Paule Society
  56. Studenti Ħarsien Soċjali (SHS)
  57. The Critical Institute
  58. Troupe 18:45
  59. University of Malta Chaplaincy
  60. Victim Support Malta
  61. Women’s Rights Foundation
  62. Youth Alive Foundation

Illustrations by & edited by Evan Demicoli