
Pentecost: Prayer Space

For the feast of Pentecost in which we celebrate who we are as Church, in collaboration with Spiritual Development in Schools, we are providing you with a prayer space to animate with your groups/communities. The ultimate aim of this project is to better our understanding of who we are in unity with each other as Church, and our dependency on the Holy Spirit who makes sense of our frailties.

On this feast of Pentecost, we express our gratitude for your work and tangible presence with adolescents and youths within our communities. Related artistic audio-visual content will be reaching you all in the coming week. Stay tuned!

Journeying Through Advent with Film

We have recently collaborated with ‘Lifelong Catechesis’ to come up with a resource pack to accompany young people aged 16+ throughout the four weeks of Advent. We encourage all leaders to make use of this resource which delves into the themes of hope, faith, joy and love through an exploration of 4 movies.

Ripple – Holy Week

MCYN & KDŻG have collaborated again to bring you Ripple – Holy Week.

These webinars will be happening on 2 consecutive Wednesdays and will be broken down as follows:
    • Through the Gospel of Mark
      Wednesday 10th March


      • Speaker
        Fr Noel Debono
    • Liturgy and Symbols
      Wednesday 17th March


      • Speaker
        Fr Martin Cilia MSSP

The webinars will be starting at 7:30 pm and ending at 9:00 pm.
Each webinar will consist of a talk and a question/discussion slot.

Ripple Holy Week 1920

Why ripple?
In throwing a stone into the water, it is not only the stone that is moved. These webinars were created to further equip youth leaders, so that what they know and what they learn is also passed on to the young people they work with.

Who is it for?
These webinars are intended for youth leaders, animators and anyone involved in youth ministry. Although these webinars are intended for youth group leaders, they are open to whoever is interested in attending.

What is it?
Ripple – Holy Week is a two-part web course. These webinars will be looking into the Scripture read & the liturgical symbols used during Holy Week. The aim of these webinars is to come to a deeper understanding of the liturgical celebrations held during Holy Week.

Ripple – Plug & Play

Ripple – Plug & Play is the third series of Ripple webinars. This series is a two-part web course that will be looking more closely at the realities of youth today. The first webinar will be focusing on the way young people connect while the second session will be looking into the gaming culture. These webinars have been designed to further equip youth leaders and animators for their ministry with young people.

These webinars will be happening on 2 consecutive Wednesdays and will be broken down as follows:

    • Session 1: Making Connections
      Wednesday 28th April
      During this session, Dr Marlene Cauchi will be speaking about young people’s attachment needs, as well as the challenge of connection. The session will also tackle the role of the youth leader, as well as how connecting with young people is in itself resourceful.


      • Speaker
        Dr Marlene Cauchi
    • Session 2: Game On
      Wednesday 5th May
      The second session aims at taking an in-depth look into the gaming culture. Fr Reuben Gauci & Fr Matthew Pulis will be doing this by exploring how different elements of gaming are part and parcel of a young person’s life. This webinar will also be looking into how to accompany young people in this culture.


      • Speakers
        Fr Reuben Gauci & Fr Matthew Pulis


The webinars will be starting at 7:30 pm and ending at 9:00 pm.
Each webinar will consist of a talk and a question/discussion slot.


Why ripple?
In throwing a stone into the water, it is not only the stone that is moved. These webinars were created to further equip youth leaders, so that what they know and what they learn is also passed on to the young people they work with.

Who is it for?
These webinars are intended for youth leaders, animators and anyone involved in youth ministry. Although these webinars are intended for youth group leaders, they are open to whoever is interested in attending.

Lent Resources for Youth Ministry – Yahad


This series is based on Yahad, a document prepared by the Justice & Peace Commission (JPC) to help us reflect on how we can act constructively to build peace within our nation. You can find the full document here:
Yahad is a term in Hebrew that is used in the Bible most often as an adverb in the sense of “together” and “with each other”. It also conveys the sense of unitedness and community.


MCYN, in collaboration with JPC, has created a series of 6 different sessions to be used with young people, each one based on the Gospel readings of the first 5 Sundays of Lent, and Ash Wednesday.
The titles of each session are:

  1. Introduction   – Niżżel bil-Malti  |  Download in English 
  2. Goodness – Teaching & Discussion  – Niżżel bil-Malti  |  Download in English 
  3. Temperance – Teaching & Discussion  – Niżżel bil-Malti  |  Download in English 
  4. Courage  – Film Night  – Niżżel bil-Malti  |  Download in English 
  5. Merciful Patience – Discussion   – Niżżel bil-Malti  |  Download in English 
  6. Reconciliation – Lectio Divina  – Niżżel bil-Malti  |  Download in English
  7. Creativity – Activity  – Niżżel bil-Malti  |  Download in English 


  • To present to young people social justice themes.
  • To link Scripture and the Teaching of the Church to real-life situations happening in our country. 
  • To give time to young people to reflect on the world around them. 
  • To help young people see matters of justice in light of Scripture.
  • To encourage young people to be the positive change they long to see in the world.


  • Each session plan has an outline on the first page in order to give a brief overview of the meeting.
  • A team overview can also be found before each session in order to help people lead different parts of the session smoothly. 
  • Each session is timed to be around 1 to 1.5 hours. The timings are estimates and are not there to be strictly adhered to.

Although this resource tries to be thorough, it is not thought out to be read off the paper as is, but to serve as a basis for sessions given by leaders. Each group is different, and therefore activities, discussion methods and teaching all need to be tailored according to the dynamic of the group. Should you need assistance in developing the resources further, or have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Last First

Last first resources

Away from Those He Loved

This session looks at the realities migrants arriving in
Malta irregularly face before their arrival. It pivots on the
testimony of a man who lived and died in Malta,
away from those he loved.

To shed light on the unheard stories of irregular migrants.
To reflect upon the Catholic’s role in this narrative which surrounds us.


Sara, a Maltese Girl

This session is centred on the story of a young girl who is
forced into a parent’s role at a young age. It gives young
people the opportunity to become aware of stories and
realities which they may overlook in their everyday lives.

To recognise realities hidden in people’s (even children’s) lives.
To continue to understand our identity in Christ.


Li Kieku ma Ltaqgħetx ma’ Maria

This session is based on the parable of the Good Samaritan.
Starting off from the story of a Maltese woman, it tackles
what the parable of the Good Samaritan calls us to.

 To reflect upon the suffering we may walk past every day.
To understand in a deeper way the parable of the Good Samaritan
and whose neighbour God calls us to be.


Mħabba fis-Skiet

Din il-laqgħa tuża testimonjanza biex tiddiskuti
x’inhu l-aktar aspett importanti fil-volontarjat:
l-imħabba. Dan tagħmlu permezz ta’
diskussjonijiet u Lectio Divina.

Biex niddiskutu xi tfisser għalina l-ħidma volontarja.
Biex niskopru l-importanza tal-imħabba f’din il ħidma.


A Princess has Died in Malta

This session looks at the realities of prostitution through
testimonies. It gives young people the opportunity to discuss
and learn about legislation, the Church’s teachings
and Jesus’ approach to this reality.

To become aware of the reality of prostitution
To continue to understand the dignity of the human person


Advent Resource 2021

This Advent resource consists of 3 stand-alone sessions which can be run in youth groups. The resources provided are intended to be a simple basis for your meetings so that they can be adapted to each group’s different age bracket and dynamic. The resource is available both in Maltese and English.

Session 1: Jesus’ Genealogy
This is an activity-based session written to make sense of the genealogy of Jesus read during the Christmas Vigil mass and to have some fun getting to know a few Biblical characters.

Session 2: Nominating “No”
This session leans more into the reason for the Advent season. The aim of this session is to recognise the importance of saying “no” more in order to make time and space for Jesus’ coming.

Session 3: Journeying with Joseph
The idea behind this session is to go out for a walk with young people, spend some time in the countryside if possible and talk about St Joseph.

Ripple – Questioning Suffering

MCYN & KDŻG have collaborated again to bring you Ripple – Questioning Suffering.

Why ripple?

In throwing a stone into the water, it is not only the stone that is moved. These webinars were created to further equip youth leaders, so that what they know and what they learn is also passed on to the young people they work with.

Who is it for?

These webinars are intended for youth leaders, animators and anyone involved in youth ministry. Although these webinars are intended for youth group leaders, they are open to whoever is interested in attending.

What is it?

Ripple – Questioning Suffering is the fourth series of Ripple webinars. This series is a two-part web course that will be looking at suffering and the human person, from the perspective of our Catholic faithThese webinars have been designed to further equip youth leaders and animators for their ministry with young people. 


These webinars will be happening on 2 consecutive Mondays and will be broken down as follows:

Session 1: Man & Suffering in Scripture

Monday 18th October

The first webinar will focus on the theme of suffering in the Old & New Testament. We’ll also be taking a particular look at Christ’s teaching and what it means to live it out. We’ve often heard the quote “take up your cross and follow me” (Mt 16:24), but what did Jesus intend by those words?

  • Speaker: Dr Joseph Ciappara

Session 2: Present-day Suffering

Monday 25th October

The second webinar will be taking a particular look at present-day suffering, especially the challenges young people meet today. Apart from looking at the causes and effects of such suffering, we will also be questioning where God is in these trials, and how youth leaders can respond to the suffering of those they accompany. 

  • Speaker: Fr Fabio Attard SDB


The webinars will be starting at 7:30 pm and ending at 9:00 pm.

Each webinar will consist of a talk and a question/discussion slot.

One Church, One Journey – For Youth Ministry

In June 2020, the Archdiocese of Malta launched the process of ecclesial renewal One Church, One Journey. This process invites the Church in Malta to a journey taking place between 2020 and 2024.

MCYN has created an abridged version of One Church, One Journey. This version was written with the intention of making the original text shorter, simpler and easier to reflect upon. We’ve made it with hope that it will inspire reflection and, ultimately, drive action.

We pray that this process truly opens us to the will of God and the conversion of heart required to be true witnesses of Christ.