
Lent Resources for Youth Ministry – Yahad


This series is based on Yahad, a document prepared by the Justice & Peace Commission (JPC) to help us reflect on how we can act constructively to build peace within our nation. You can find the full document here:
Yahad is a term in Hebrew that is used in the Bible most often as an adverb in the sense of “together” and “with each other”. It also conveys the sense of unitedness and community.


MCYN, in collaboration with JPC, has created a series of 6 different sessions to be used with young people, each one based on the Gospel readings of the first 5 Sundays of Lent, and Ash Wednesday.
The titles of each session are:

  1. Introduction   – Niżżel bil-Malti  |  Download in English 
  2. Goodness – Teaching & Discussion  – Niżżel bil-Malti  |  Download in English 
  3. Temperance – Teaching & Discussion  – Niżżel bil-Malti  |  Download in English 
  4. Courage  – Film Night  – Niżżel bil-Malti  |  Download in English 
  5. Merciful Patience – Discussion   – Niżżel bil-Malti  |  Download in English 
  6. Reconciliation – Lectio Divina  – Niżżel bil-Malti  |  Download in English
  7. Creativity – Activity  – Niżżel bil-Malti  |  Download in English 


  • To present to young people social justice themes.
  • To link Scripture and the Teaching of the Church to real-life situations happening in our country. 
  • To give time to young people to reflect on the world around them. 
  • To help young people see matters of justice in light of Scripture.
  • To encourage young people to be the positive change they long to see in the world.


  • Each session plan has an outline on the first page in order to give a brief overview of the meeting.
  • A team overview can also be found before each session in order to help people lead different parts of the session smoothly. 
  • Each session is timed to be around 1 to 1.5 hours. The timings are estimates and are not there to be strictly adhered to.

Although this resource tries to be thorough, it is not thought out to be read off the paper as is, but to serve as a basis for sessions given by leaders. Each group is different, and therefore activities, discussion methods and teaching all need to be tailored according to the dynamic of the group. Should you need assistance in developing the resources further, or have any questions, please feel free to contact us.